Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Would you like to be free?

This site is very intriguing...could you cut the cord from your social media?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

This makes me want to add Metalsmithing/Jewelry to the growing list of things I know how to do. She made that crown-pearl-i'm-a-smack-you-doo-hicky. I'm pretty sure she can do anything.

I will just have to make this in 2-D acrylic. Next term. When the shop is open again. I am sad that it's closed for break :(

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

an elegant solution

How to cut a mathematically beautiful bagel. Or, how to impress your friends with a bagel-chain.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I should get a merit badge...

Check out these embroidery skills. I've never done this before, and I'm happy with how it turned out! I was totally unsure about it at first, but glad that I went with my first instinct in terms of design and placements. These are going to be the "buttons" that you push to make the dress work. They're placed in places that range from "ok" to "slap-worthy" zones of the body.

The lower back is an area that I consider to be a gray area. It can be a controlling gesture to touch somebody here, or an intimate gesture.

This is the embroidery on the lower back:
The lower back area

Over the chest, a for sure no-touch area!

The LED matrix isn't tacked on yet, since I don't have the second arduino sewn in and then they need to be sewn together.

There are two more buttons that I embroidered today, with similar looks to the two above. I think I've earned my sewing badge by this point.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


The LED matrix dress is coming along nicely, and now it even has a conceptual meaning!

My awesome friend Andrew Parnell is helping me with the code and things. This is a picture of us testing out the code he whipped up (in like, a minute, it was crazy) by modifying something he'd written a year ago.
Alligator Clips on the Lilypad

This is where some more intense sewing sets in, connecting all those rows and columns into the holes on the arduino.
Sewing in the Traces to the Lillypad

It looks nice and messy underneath the top layer of fabric, but that's alright. A little glue sealant and scissor snips fixes that right up!

Under the Hood

Here's the first "button" being embroidered on, when all is said and done these will trigger the different animations. The concentric circles are supposed to evoke a feeling of ripples.

First Embroidery

Here's a closer shot of it:


The dress is going to be complete by Monday. I'll have a full post and video documentation, and even an artist statement to boot.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Testing out some embroidery

Taken with the webcam at work, since the cameras are all checked out...

This one isn't finished, it's going to have more circles coming off of it.