Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mega Shark

Thanks, Mega Shark. Now I'm afraid to fly.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's been awhile since i've watched this

Paul should look at these

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

77 on the 17

I'm starting a series of illustrations of people who ride the #17 in Portland. I take this bus nearly every day, and each day it seems like it's a different crowd of people. I covertly study the person, and try to sketch them as soon as possible. If they sit still for awhile, I can get more detail, but I can't control when they get off the bus. It's a really interesting way to spend my otherwise painfully long commute each day to school. I get very nervous each time that the person will see me drawing them and get mad at me! You never know how somebody's going to react. I've been at it for about a week and a half now, and I'd love to keep up or increase the momentum.

Funny enough, as covert as I try to be, the most fun is catching people watching me draw. A man watched me draw on the 17, and then got up, sat next to me, and requested to commission me to do a large ink illustration for him. We'll see if that goes anywhere, I just e-mailed him my fee.
Eventually, I will put a collection of 77 illustrations into a book format. Here's the first small bunch:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Toilet Paper

If you need some inspiration for the 77 project, check out these artist projects using toilet paper rolls.

I want this.

This is my kind of "conceptual" art.

Crayola Timeline

Gizmodo has a nice infographic of Crayola's timeline of introducing colors. Sadly, I think gizmodo is mistaken, my quick wikipedia and google search did not ever return a crayon that was named "poop"

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I found this on a websites of "kludges", or jury rigs. But honestly, this is an awesome idea. I'll find an old credit card to do this myself.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Loosen up

This blog post presents a series of photographs that were published into a book called Dumped! It's pictures of people getting various substances dumped on their heads. The one thing I really liked about the set is that the artist said that it was just for fun and self promotion. They didn't set out a conceptual meaning for it. They were just having fun. Sometimes I feel a little forced in my school work to have conceptual meaning. I think I need to loosen up a bit more and have more fun.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's 5:08 Am, please view this animated GIF

Paul is asleep in the screening room. I am currently taking a "break" and hanging out on digg.

Our 24 hour comics are going....well. I have 9/24 pages inked and ready. yikes!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Gorgeous Use of CGI

The video is made completely in CGI, it's just incredible. And it's nice to see CGI used so carefully and thoughtfully in this way. It's not a character animation. It has an abstract architectural focus. The score is also very nice.

It was made by one person.

Watch it fullscreen, in full resolution.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just watch and be entertained.

This is a parody commercial in response to the Kylie Windows 7 commercials, which was part of a series of "I'm a PC" commercials, which were in response to the Mac vs. PC commercials.

When people get brand crazy about what computer they use, it makes me laugh so friggen hard at them. I'm no fanboy for either brand. What drives my purchase is getting the best I can afford and getting the most bang out of my buck. Also, I want to be able to fix it myself. Which is why I built my computer and run a dual-boot of windows 7 and windows XP.

I'll happily use either, but until somebody drops a mac in my hands for freesies, and you won't find one in my house. And even then i'd probably hack the case to have more fans.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This guy is pretty awesome. He draws his comic, one panel per hour, answering the question "what's up?" for that hour. What he's doing, what somebody around him said, whatever. I'm not sure if he wakes himself up each hour that he's asleep, or if he just fakes those hours by doing extra comics. Maybe I should ask. But in any case, I think it's wonderful.

Paul and I are going to do a 24 hour, 24 page + cover comic challenge at the studio this Saturday. Melissa and Jenny are probably going to join us, too! It should be full of torment, tears, ink, anger but ultimately awesomeness. Anybody is welcome to walk past us and shake their heads in pity. Or to join in, if that's your thing.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Comic Book Covers

This is a best-of-2009 List that of what the others thinks are the the best examples of comic book cover-art for the year. Some of them are particularly well done, and I like seeing the different styles lined up. I don't think this list really captures the breadth of cover art syles, but that's not the intention of the list I suppose.

This one's my personal favorite from the list:

I'm a very process-centric person, so comic-covers with this amount of detail really appeal to me. I can envision the physical pen strokes of the artist, instead of somebody just tracing a photograph and running "livetrace" to get colors. It's a personal preference, and I'm not trying to devalue digital process (the above image very likely was digitally rendered). I just connect with this image on a more personal level because of the hand-drawn look.